Did you come back from a Plant Medicine Ceremony or Retreat and now you’re struggling to keep and integrate the changes you wanted to make?

I’ve been there!

I’ll serve as your accountability partner and coach as you reintegrate into your (new) life post plant medicine ceremony.

Plant medicine integration coaching is a process of supporting individuals who have had a psychedelic or plant medicine experience to integrate the insights and healing that they gained from the experience into their daily lives. Components of plant medicine integration coaching:

  1. Pre-Integration Assessment:

    • Gathering information about the individual's goals and intentions for plant medicine use.

    • Assessing their readiness for integration and identifying any potential challenges or obstacles that may arise during the process.

  2. Mindset and Self-Reflection:

    • Helping the individual develop a mindset of openness, curiosity, and non-judgment towards their experience.

    • Encouraging self-reflection to explore the insights, emotions, and sensations that arose during the experience.

  3. Emotional Support:

    • Providing a safe and non-judgmental space for the individual to process their emotions and feelings related to the experience.

    • Helping them develop coping strategies and self-care practices to manage any challenging emotions that may arise.

  4. Behavioral Changes:

    • Supporting the individual in making behavioral changes based on the insights gained from the experience.

    • Helping them develop a plan of action for implementing these changes in their daily lives.

  5. Integration Techniques:

    • Offering a variety of integration techniques and practices such as meditation, breath work, journaling, coaching, re-framing, and artistic expression.

    • Helping the individual find the techniques that work best for them and incorporate them into their daily routine.

  6. Continued Support:

    • Providing ongoing support and follow-up after the initial integration coaching sessions.

    • Helping the individual develop a long-term plan for maintaining the insights and healing gained from the plant medicine experience.

Description of the Plant Medicine Integration offering

Extra Resources:

Resources for Plant-Based Medicine Information

How To Change Your Mind- Author: Michael Pollen + Netflix series



